Ok, so a little bit about me and my plan for this blog, in a nutshell. I'm 27 years old; for some of you this will seem very young, to others quite old, but for me I'm glad I'm at where I'm at. Lately (ok for approximately 21 years) I've been trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I used to tell my mom that when I grew up I wanted to be independently wealthy...who knew that was going to be so difficult to accomplish? While that is still the ultimate goal, I'm at the very least trying to find my passion.
I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian for a while, like all children who grow up with pets, but who wants to go to school for that long?! Then I wanted to be a marine biologist until I figured out that science had quite the nack for putting me to sleep. Then there was my lawyer phase, my novelist phase, my poetry phase, my crafting phase (perhaps the shortest of all the career aspiration phases), and here we are at what I am calling my 'figure out how to make money at what makes me happy' phase.
What makes me divinely happy, you ask. Eating of course. Its quite the trendy, hipster thing to do these days...eat. I mean, not anyone can just eat. The world around us would have you believe that you have to be a pretentious douche bags in order to enjoy food and try something new. Well world, I have news...I'm not pretentious or a douche and I love to eat, particularly sweet things.
My plan for this blog is to make something delicious each and every week. Most things will be brand new to me as I'm most interested in expanding my horizons and trying something new, but some things will simply be made because I already know that I love them. I'll be working on my food photography skills, or lack there of at this present moment and I hope you enjoy what you see and taste some great homemade treats along the way. Oh, and if I can throw in a humorous anecdote about me or my family or my hilariously strange neighbors, all the better.
I can't wait for all of your free give aways. I think you should rig them for me since I am your very first commenter.